Personal Discovery Journey – Beautiful Coronado, Panama

Winter 2014

Annual IMD International Highlands


Program – Coronado, Panama




          Febuary 1-3, 2014

Investing In Yourself


A Three-Day Personal &


Strategic Planning




Developing Your Personal and Career Vision


Once again, Martha and Dr. Tom Tavantzis invite you to a small group workshop experience  in Coronado,Panama. This winter’s workshop will be delivering our proven, cutting-edge program for individual development: The Highlands Personal Strategic Planning Program. This program, which is the basis of all our programs, introduces participants to the 8 Factor Whole Person Model (see and ( which creates the experiential opportunity for participants to focus on developing their own personal and career vision in a safe and supportive but challenging setting.

We will have the following objectives:


  • Gain a more detailed understanding of your ability profile
  • Learn your most powerful communications skills
  • Experience and incorporate  the data from your Family of Origin, Passions, Personal Style, Career Cycle, Values, Skills and Goals 8 Factor Model into your Vision Plan
  • 3, and 6 month follow-up sessions



To make the best use of our time together there will be pre-work (in the Manual plus the Battery Assessment that will need to be completed) sent out to participants 1 month prior to the workshop.



1/5   Individuals who have not received their Ability battery feedback consults will

           be scheduled on this day

          7pm Group Wine Tasting and Group dinner Overview of the workshop, tour of the Resort


1/6     8am-1pm Abilities, Career Development & Values Factors

          1:30-3:00 Group Lunch

          3-6:00 Break (Sleep, swim, explore)

          6-9:30pm Workshop continues Skills and Interests Factors

          9:45pm Dinner On Your own


1/7    8am-1pm Family of Origin and Personal Style Factors

         1:30-3:30 Lunch (on your own)

         3:30pm-5:00 Workshop continues Brainstorming & Integration 

         7:00 Group Dinner

1/8  8am-2pm  Personal Vision Statement (Draft) , Closing and Farewells           




The 3-day workshop fee is $650.00 U.S. payable by Dec 1, 2011. This is payable via credit card (Visa or MasterCard). Fee includes group sponsored lunches and dinners, 1 book, 1 manual and your Ability battery plus your 2 hr individual feedback consultation as well as follow-up coaching)


Workshop Participants can attend as pre-approved Highlands trainees who are also obtaining their feedback certification (fee for certification is an additional $1750 paid directly to The Highlands Company).  Feedback certification training will require additional hours before, during and after the workshop to satisfactory complete all requirements

 Please contact Dr Tavantzis for additonal information or 610-420-0900

   IMD of PA. P.C

                Assessing, Coaching & Consulting since 1986