Career Development and Career Transition – Discover What You Do Best
Career Development, Aptitude testing and the 7 critical factors
“Learning Your Strengths and How to Play to Them”
Whether you’re a Fortune 500 executive, an entrepreneur, a manager or a professional, IMD can help you to understand, build and utilize the Eight Critical Steps to Discovering What You Do Best.
Choosing a career path and the right tool for career development is a critical process that requires a Personal Vision. The effectiveness of your decision-making at transition points in your life will depend on the information and knowledge available to you. Self- Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have about yourself, the more effective your life and career decisions will be. The trick is to figure out what information you lack or need and then gather and analyze that information. Whether you are forming a career plan, reviewing your career options, or deciding how to respond to a new job offer, the Eight Critical Steps identified by Highlands that IMD uses will help you to make the right decisions for your career development. Before you begin exploring a career change and try to identify a job or profession which will prove satisfying, you must first develop a true understanding of yourself – your innate abilities, your skills, your interests, your values, your goals, your personal style and characteristics, your family background and history, and where you are in your career development cycle.
Invest in yourself by learning what you really do well. This is a combination of your operating style, natural abilities, skills, values, passions and family history. The results may well surprise you. Some of our clients have found their life’s work buried in a hobby. Or learned what in their family background led to their making a poor career choice.
Working one-on-one with us, you can develop a Personal Vision. It’s not an easy answer or a quick fix. We can give you the tools you need – the most sophisticated assessments available today – but you will have to do much of the work yourself. And you will end up knowing yourself better than you ever have and able to make clearer decisions.